Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cradle To Cradle: Remaking The Way We Make Things : Chapter 5

Chapter 5:  "Respect Diversity":
nature's design framework:  a flowering of diversity, a flowering of abundance.  It is Earth's response to its once source of incoming energy:  the sun. (pg. 118-119).

(pg 119):
The current design response of humans to this framework might be called "attack of the one-size-fits-all".  Layers of concrete and asphalt obliterate forests, deserts, coastal marshes, jungles - everything in their path.

Buildings that present a bland, uniform front rise in communities where structures were for decades, even centuries, beautiful and culturally distinct.

The monotony spreads and spreads, overwhelming the details of place in its path.  What it seems to seek is simply more of itself.

We see this as de-evolution - simplification on a mass scale - and it is not limited to ecology.

Against this tide of sameness, we advance the principle "respect diversity". 

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